Natural Burial Ground

In recent years there has been an increase in the number of people rejecting traditional burial customs and opting for a burial that better suits their beliefs, attitudes toward death and personal philosophy. One of the ways in which this has manifested itself is in an increase in demand for natural burial.
While traditional burial methods are still the popular choice, natural burial is emerging as a popular alternative way of conducting a funeral. A natural burial attempts to return a body to the earth in as natural a way as possible. This involves a rejection of embalming processes and caskets or coffins that won’t biodegrade with time.
Natural burials are for everyone, but may particularly appeal to those that desire a more simple burial process, to those that believe that the body is best returned to the earth upon death, and to those with a passion for conservationism. A natural burial is the perfect choice for anyone who enjoyed spending time in unspoilt nature and who was environmentally conscious.

The main reason for choosing a natural burial ground is simple one for many; it's just a beautiful place to visit and remember your loved ones. Our burial ground features recessed memorials only so feels very different to a conventional graveyard and maintains a natural look.
When it comes to an ashes scattering or interment then end of life ceremonies can be completely guided by the wishes, values and beliefs of the family and their loved ones. The ceremony can include religious elements or none at all. The ceremony can be exactly what you need it to be, perhaps including songs, readings, and the sharing of memories. What is important, is that your loved one gets the send-off they rightly deserve.

In order to shape, create and preserve a natural area for the benefit of nature and for future generations of visitors a number of regulations apply. These regulations are essential to combine a proper respect for the dead, with a suitable management and planting programme in order to create an area that is peaceful, pleasant, ecologically rich and a fitting memorial.
As the burial ground is being developed to encourage a natural landscape the erection of monuments, vases, kerbs, fences, flower beds, railings or any other decoration is not allowed. Recessed stone plaques of a certain specification are permitted for memorial though. Floral tributes may be placed on the grave at the time of the funeral but they will be removed after a 3 week period. This is to allow the natural ground cover to develop. All tributes must be constructed using natural products and not formed with oasis and plastic as this creates a considerable disposal problem.
You can read the current site regulations in full here

Forget Me Not Fields is a proud member of The Association of Natural Burial Grounds. The Natural Death Centre (NDC) and the Association of Natural Burial Grounds (ANBG) are both managed by Rosie Inman-Cook, supported by the board of trustees.
The ANBG was established by The Natural Death Center in 1994 and its aims and objects have remained unchanged. By requiring members to comply with the Code of Conduct the ANBG provides the public with the assurance of best practice at every one of our member sites.
The Code of Conduct of the Association of Natural Burial Grounds requires members to provide families arranging funerals with them an opportunity to complete a feedback form which is returned directly to the Natural Death Center headquarters.
You can find the link to the ANBG code of conduct here